Use Eclipse as Your IDE

Posted on Oct 22, 2012 in Software

Things under are outdated technologies that the author does not plan to update any more. Please look for better alternatives.

  1. There are at least 3 ways to jump to errors quickly in Eclipse

    • Click these red icons on the right margin.
    • Click the Previous Annotation button or Next Annotation buttons on the tool bar or under the Navigation menu.
    • Use hot keys (Ctrl+. for Next Annotation and Ctrl+, for Previous Annotation by default).
  2. To tidy code, use the Format button under the Source menu.

  3. To quickly comment selected code in Eclipse, you can use hot keys Crtl+/. To uncomment selected code, simply press the hot keys again.

  4. To quickly import a package which has no .jar files (i.e. you have available all source code) to an existing project, you can simply drag the package on the src folder in the corresponding project in eclipse. Another way is to first create a new package with the same name as the existing package, then right click on the newly created package and choose Import... in the short menu. In the prompt out, you can choose either Archive File or File System under the General tab depending on whether there are .jar files in the package or not. Then you can choose which files you want to import into the package and click finish after you have done.

  5. To change a variable name, you'd better use refactor which will automatically change all occurrences.

  6. Use TODO to add task in eclipse.

  7. To build projects manually, follow instructions here.

  8. install MarketPlace after you install eclipse

  9. To change editor fonts in Eclipse.

Menu -> Windows -> Preference -> General -> Apprearance -> Colors and Fonts -> Text Font -> Edit (on the right panel)

  1. Eclipse has an extensive amount of settings. Sometimes it is hard to find the right settings you want. A better way is to type in text in the search box to search for the settings you want.

Eclipse for Java

  1. You can use format button under source menu to tidy the code.

Speed up Eclipse

Eclipse Che seems like a good cloud IDE, keep your eyes on it!!! eclipse che seems to be a good remote IDE, codenvy is based on it; but seems a little bit hard to get started, not out of box experience

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