Tips on Teradata SQL

Posted on May 15, 2014 in Computer Science

Things under are outdated technologies that the author does not plan to update any more. Please look for better alternatives.

** Things under are outdated technologies that the author does not plan to update any more. Please look for better alternatives. **


Please refer to Syntax of Teradata SQL .

Performance Tips

Trick and Trap

  1. Must use on commit preserve rows to persist data if you create a volatile table.

  2. Data cast using parentheses is discouraged in Teradata SQL. Use the CAST function instead. Another way is to use suffix to indicate the type of literal values, e.g., '1'XI8.

  3. Below code get informtion about the table cat123.

    SELECT * FROM dbc.TablesV WHERE DataBaseName = '' AND TableName = 'cat123'
  4. Instead of using macros of other extensions of SQL (which many versions of SQL does not support), an better alternative is to call SQL in other languages (Python, R, etc.). This also makes it easier to do visualization or generalize reports.

  5. In Teradata, the maximum row size is approx 64K bytes. So that you cannot define columns of size greater than 64K. For example, you cannot define a column of size 65K.

  6. You cannot create a new table using insert into. insert into can only insert into an existing table.


There is no way to check if a specific Volatile Table exists besides HELP VOLATILE TABLE which returns all VT. identity, auto increment]: 1. better not to set value by yourself (even if you can) as confliction might happen later; 2. insert one by one works well however insert into using select seems not to work as expected ... over (order by field) necessary for row_number() etc.? u can use order by 0 if no ordering wanted ..., and is probably faster ...


  1. Always end a complete Teradata SQL statement with a semicolon. Sometimes in Some SQL (e.g., SAS), the codes runs OK without an ending semicolon but sometimes might not. It is always good practice to end a complete SQL statement with a semicolon.

  2. Commands in Teradata (and other versions of SQL) SQL are case-insensitive.

  3. You can use sel as short for select in Teradata SQL, however, it is suggested that you always use select instead of sel. This is because sel is not support in some other versions of SQL. You can use SQL template to generate code for you if you are tired of typing.

  4. Use -- for one line comment and /*...*/ for multiple line comment. The /*...*/ way is recommended as it is a widely used way for commenting.

  5. The as keyword is optional when creating column aliases, however, it is tricky in create table statement. When you create table schema, you cannot not use the keyword as but when you create a table using a query you must use the keyword as.

    create table A /*no as here*/(
        a integer,
        b char(20),
        c decimal(12,3),
        d date
    create table A as /*must use as here*/(
        select * from B
    with data
    primary index (id)
  6. union (all) does not match column names. Columns of the two tables to be united together must have the same order. If the types of a column does not match, then the type of the first column is used and the corresponding columns of other tables will be casted into this type.

  7. Both count and sum can be used to count the number of rows satisfying some condition. Generally speaking, count is preferred because it is able to remove duplicated records. For example, suppose we have a table A with columns case_id (non-unique) and sar (Y or N). We can count the number of rows with sar = Y using

            when sar = 'Y' then
    ) as n

    How, if case_id has duplicated values and we want to count the number of distinct cases with sar = 1, then sum does not work well. In stead, we can use

            when sar = 'Y' then
    ) as n

    It is recommended that you always use count to count rows satisfying a condition.

  8. In a case statement, at most one when/else branch is executed. As soon as a when/else statement is executed, it jumps out (like break; in C) of the case statement instead of continuing to the next branch.

  9. Do not use natural joins (relying on same column names for joining) as it is dangerous to do so.

  10. When joining multiple tables, SQL will determine the best way to perform the joins. So do not help the SQL compiler when you do multiple joins.

  11. The precedence of logical operators are not, and and or. However, it is suggested that you always use parentheses to make your code easier to understand.

  12. Displays the code used to generate the view or table.

    show table table_name;
  13. Display table schema (i.e., show column names and attributes).

    help table table_name;

    or you can use

    help column table_name.*;

Null Values

  1. Most functions in SQL (unless specially for null values) ignore null values like they never appear in the table.

Create an Empty Table

You can manually specify the structure of the table.

CREATE TABLE t1 /*no as here*/ (
    a Integer,
    b Char(20),
    c Decimal(12,3),
    d Date

If there is an existing table t1 and you want to create another table t2 with the same schema, you can use



CREATE TABLE t2 as /*as cannot be omitted here*/ (
    SELECT * FROM t1

Notice that the syntax of Teradata SQL is different from other SQL languages when creating a table using a select clause. You have to specify either WITH DATA or WITH NO DATA. WITH DATA means that you want to append the selected records into the created table while WITH NO DATA creates an empty table.

Database Information

  1. Get version of Teradata SQL.

    :::sql SELECT * FROM dbc.dbcinfo;

Error Code [TeraJDBC] [Error 9804] [SQLState HY000] Response Row size or Constant Row size overflow: might be because too large column definition using distinct (the result has only about 1,000 rows) causes the following error, how can I avoid the issue? [Teradata Database] [TeraJDBC] [Error 2646] [SQLState HY000] No more spool space in dclong. No More Spool Space Instead of distinct (which might cause "no more spool space" issue), you can try group by.

Teradata Database Messages

Error Message

  1. unknown error, probably network issue

  2. Error code 3754: precision error, character, numeric, .. -> float ...


Be careful when you work with date in SQL. A non-exist date can result in tricky errors. For example (note that 2016-09-31 does not exist)

WHERE dt BETWEEN '2016-09-01' AND '2016-09-31'

in Teradata throws the error message "a character string failed to convert to a numeric value".

References a very good teradata blog