Send Email in Ruby

Posted on Jun 06, 2012 in Computer Science

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A few days ago, I started writing my first Ruby program which read my Verizon family plan statements, calculate bills for each member and send emails to notify them. The part of reading PDF document and calculating bill is easy. I stuck at the sending email part. There are many Ruby libraries for sending emails, but I want one that allows me to use my Gmail account. For security reasons, I use a backup Gmail for sending emails. So I want a Ruby library which allows me to set the "Reply-to" header, the "From" header and can send emails to multiple recipients at a time. I tried a few options, such as "net/smtp", "mikell/mail", "pony" and finally I was recommended the library "actionmailer". Among all these libraries, "actionmailer" meets my requirement well and has good documentation. The following the function I wrote to send email to members in my family plan.

def email_bills(subject,body)
    require 'action_mailer'
    ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true
    ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
    member_emails = ",,,"
    # member_emails = ''
    # read in password for ''
    password = read_password
    ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
        :address   => "",
        :port      => 587,
        :domain    => "",
        :authentication => :plain,
        :user_name      => "",
        :password       => password,
        :enable_starttls_auto => true
    mail = ActionMailer::Base.mail(:to=>member_emails)
    mail.from = ""
    mail.reply_to = ""
    mail.subject = subject
    mail.body = body
def read_password()
    require 'highline/import'
    return ask('Please enter the password for "":' + "\n"){
        q.echo = "*"