Some Questions About R

Posted on Oct 20, 2013 in Software

Things under are outdated technologies that the author does not plan to update any more. Please look for better alternatives.

** Things under are outdated technologies that the author does not plan to update any more. Please look for better alternatives. **

  1. rstudio server, read.table('clipboard') does not work (clipboard not due to server ...) this is a probablem of vimperator, not rstudio ...


  1. how to perserve C++ object after C++ function terminates when using Rcpp?

  2. is it possible to capture c++ output in rcpp?

  3. is RNGScope thread safe?

  4. because with RcppArmadillo, subview, matrix ...

  5. is there a way to check whether an Rcpp compiled object is valid?

  6. Rcpp Module mustStart=T?

  7. how to keep an C++ object after c++ function is terminated? use pointer?

  8.'&', list(j1)) is not as expected, the best way to this?'|', list(j1, j2))


  1. sometimes values = setdiff(values, "") and values = values[values!=""] are exchangeable, but which is better? I guess the latter one is faster, check this ...


  1. is it possible to pass argument by ref? even so, you'd be careful!

  2. how to parse R code to extract function definitions? It seems that can do this partially