R for Internet/Web Applications
Posted on Nov 14, 2012 in Programming
Things under legendu.net/outdated are outdated technologies that the author does not plan to update any more. Please look for better alternatives.
Sending/Receiving Emails
There are many ways to send email in R. First, you can use
. The following code is a simple test email.sendmail(from="firedragon.du@gmail.com", to="dclong@iastate.edu", subject="Sending Email from R",msg="It works", control=list(smtpServer="mailhub.iastate.edu"))
In this way, you can attach objects in R directly to the email, but it does not support email authentication, and it does not support multiple recipients very well. Second, you can call code written in other languages in R to send emails. For example, you can use
to call Java code to send emails in R. I have written an R package dclong.jmail based on Java Mail API which can be used to send/receive emails. It supports email authentication. Another way is to usesystem
to call executable applications to send emails. There are many such email applications in Linux system. For Windows system, the applicationsendEmail
written by Brandon zehm is good one, which support Gmail, multiple recipients and multiple attachments.
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