Tips on Pig

Posted on Jan 09, 2014 in Computer Science

Things under are outdated technologies that the author does not plan to update any more. Please look for better alternatives.


  1. Pig uses -- (at the beginning of lines) to comment out lines. It also support C-style comment, i.e., using /* ... */

  2. Filter out records that you don't want before you do expensive transformations such as joining, crossing, etc.

  3. Pig uses single quotes instead of double quotes for strings.

  4. prefer filtering and then joining rather than joining and then filtering

  5. Use dot/period to access fields when use aggregation functions, otherwise, use double colons (::) to access fileds/columns. but this is wierd

  6. -p or -param

Common Mistakes

  1. forget to assign relation to a name

  2. use lower case of functions

  3. use double quotes for strings