Format Numbers in R

Posted on Jun 11, 2016 in Programming

Things under are outdated technologies that the author does not plan to update any more. Please look for better alternatives.

** Things under are outdated technologies that the author does not plan to update any more. Please look for better alternatives. **

When working with dates, it is desirable to format months and days as 2 digits numbers with a leading 0.

sprintf("%02d", 1)
# or 
formatC(1, width = 2, flag = 0)

Note: I encounter a bug in formatC before. Instead of produce an output like 04, it produced 4. Unfortunately, I had to deliver the project, so I quickly fix the problem by substituting spaces with 0's instead of figuring out what really happen.

  1. Comma delimited numbers.
> formatC(1:10 * 100000, format = "d", big.mark = ',')
 [1] "100,000"   "200,000"   "300,000"   "400,000"   "500,000"   "600,000"  
 [7] "700,000"   "800,000"   "900,000"   "1,000,000"